- What this service is used for?
This service is a web-based application, which can be used by the students of Public Health Faculty - Sofia, to have access to the following data of Informational Student System of Public Health Faculty:
· Personal data
· Educational data
· Academic report
· Diploma report
· Average score
- Who can use this service?
All students of Public Health Faculty - Sofia, can have access to his own data, recorded in Informational Student System of Public Health Faculty, no matter of the language of education - Bulgarian or English.
- Which languages can be used to access and view the data?
To access and view his own data with this service, the student can use two languages - Bulgarian and English. To change between them one must click on an appropriate flag in the right upper corner of the initial window of the service.
- What is necessary to do if you want to use the service?
To be used, the service requires a valid registration in which the student must input his own faculty number, the full personal ID he is recorded with in the Informational Student System of Pharmacy faculty/if you don’t know it, ask for it the secretary in the dean office of faculty/, a valid e-mail address and a password which consists of at least 6 symbols – letters or numbers .
After the successful registration, the system of the service will send you automatically an e-mail message with activation link – in Bulgarian and in Latin. To finish the process of registration, the student must open this e-mail, to click the activation link - in Bulgarian or in Latin and to follow the instructions shown.
- Security of the data.
The service works under encrypted connection and the entirety of the information is protected via coding algorithms. The registered users have access only to their own data via control of user’s sessions.
The session closes under the following conditions:
1/ Via click on the button „Exit”.
2/ If the absence of user activity is longer than 5 minutes.
3/ At the closing the web- browser.